Dear You

Welcome to my head. What I write here is a product of instances, consequences, coincidences, and heartache. Here before you is my soul- my inner trappings. Yours truly, Her.

Friday, August 29, 2008


IT FEELS SO GOOD TO GET A WEEK OFF OF SCHOOL. This week was just a jumble of tasks. I had that stupid cellphone plus the packaging that I worried about. I ended up COMPLETELY NOT STUDYING FOR THE BIBSTUD FINAL EXAM. But then I thought to myself when I was running around the house getting ready to leave [imagine, I can still think with all that's happening hahaha] God, won't do this to you for nothing. He will make a way. Don't fret.

So I figured I'd just do what I could-I reviewed on the train to school and before the test.

I've never done that before.
I thought I'd miss my stop if I concentrated too much XD
The reviewing helped a bit. A bit is an overstatement really. I had no clue what the test was about. It brought me back to the shotgun days of entrance exams ahaha.

BUT I WILL NOT DWELL IN THE PAST. I'm too excited for the future haha. It just sucks that Nica's not here. :( I miss that girl tremendously. I don't know what's keeping me going pa. haha. NICAAA, my gosh. It's really different here without you. In my perspective anyway. Haaay.

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Yours Truly

Yours Truly