Dear You

Welcome to my head. What I write here is a product of instances, consequences, coincidences, and heartache. Here before you is my soul- my inner trappings. Yours truly, Her.

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Okay, I signed up for La Salle Dance Company last friday super last minute. It was weird coz it was 5 sharp when I got to La Salle main and I thought to myself that this was it; it's not meant to be. but the guards were nice enough to let me in since I was there earlier to sign up. [They were closed at the time so I had to come back after my classes were done] And so, I walked to Yuchenco Hall feeling apprehensive and scared. I mean, I'm signing up to join an actual DANCE CREW. One of my many dreams haha. And I don't think of myself as a very good dancer. Not good enough anyway for stuffs like crumping/ freestyle/ breakdance/ and everything else. I mean, the only training I've had was in cheerleading that had some hiphop and jazz flavor. I would've taken classes but I don't know- things just don't happen. XD So yeah, and I've heard that I'm not really the hip-hop-y type. I'm hoping I can prove that wrong. I mean, I've always wanted to be that girl on step up 2 minus the bad acting. hahaha.

Thanks to Nica and Paula yesterday for helping me out with the choreo. :) Your comments mean a lot


Nica said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats Iks! :D

Yours Truly

Yours Truly