Dear You

Welcome to my head. What I write here is a product of instances, consequences, coincidences, and heartache. Here before you is my soul- my inner trappings. Yours truly, Her.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

I Went Out

It's a monumental thing. It's also a monumental thing that I happen to be feeling sleepy at 12:00 am. Usually, it doesn't happen until a couple of hours later. Maybe it's coz ..I WENT OUT. woot!

Haha, i went out. wheee. it's so refreshing to be out of the house. i just hope it's all the time. haha

Had fun in Pasinaya! Thanks to Paula for bringing me home and...'talking' to me. :P I'm glad that i got to catch up with my barkada. I haven't seen them for like weeks! Some for even months! And it's always nice to see some of the 21. :)

Mart, i admire your will power and your courage. I wish i'd be like you but after talking to Paula, i think i have a different case. I don't know anymore. I'm very confused. This is why i need to go out! So i can talk to you guys :))

Yours Truly,

[wow, haven't done that in a while haha]

1 comment:

Nica said...

you need ot make me kwentoooo haha

Yours Truly

Yours Truly